Efficient energy management thanks to ISO 50001 certification
Successful companies rely on solid management strategies and systems to regularly evaluate and sustainably increase their energy efficiency. An energy management system (EnMS) certified according to the internationally recognized ISO 50001 standard helps companies of all sizes to meet the efficiency goals unique to their business.
The benefits you get from the certification
- Competitive advantages through higher efficiency and lower energy costs
- Higher economic efficiency due to lower energy consumption
- Detailed breakdown of energy consumption in the company
- Identification of potential savings in the energy sector
- Reduction of CO2 emissions
- Conformity with energy policy
- Systematic improvement of processes
- Stronger awareness of energy efficiency among employees and management
About ISO 50001 Certification
Released in June 2011, the new ISO 50001:2018 has a High-Level Structure (HLS) and is based on the quality standard ISO 9001 and the environmental standard ISO 14001. This enables organizations to convert their existing energy and environmental management systems into a systematic energy management system:
- Development of a company policy for the more efficient use of energy
- Determination of characteristic values
- Data analysis of energy consumption in all major consumption areas
- Measurement of results
- Continuous monitoring of measures
Procedure for ISO 50001 certification
1.Information and preliminary audit (optional): Information meeting (by telephone or in person), project meeting on site and preparation for certification, incl. document check
2. Certification on site: Readiness analysis with assessment and review of the description of the management system, review of documented processes, and optional post-audit (review of corrective actions)
3. Audit report and evaluation: Documentation of the audit and assessment of the management system
4. Certificate and seal: After successfully completing the certification process, you will receive your certificate and the DEKRA test seal (with a maximum term of three years)
5. First surveillance audit: A surveillance audit of the practical implementation is conducted every 12 months
6. Second surveillance audit: Repeated auditing of the practical implementation of the management system
7. Recertification: Three years after initial certification, steps 2 to 6 are repeated in the recertification audit
Gain from our expertise
- Our experts have many years of experience in auditing across all industries.
- We can offer you all the services you need for your certifications from a single source.
- As our portfolio comprises more than 40 accreditations, we can also certify other management systems, such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 and their combinations, with little effort if required.
- With our recognized DEKRA test seal you can secure the trust of your customers and business partners and increase your competitive chances.