
2015年,即企业成立90周年之际,我们又站在了新的历史发展起点。谨遵企业创始人的嘱托,我们定下了未来十年的战略基调。无论是在交通、工作还是居家领域,只要与人类生活息息相关的地方,DEKRA德凯 经验丰富的专家们都将全力打造安全屏障。到企业成立一百周年之际,我们的愿景“成为安全与可持续发展世界里的全球合作伙伴”将成为现实。
我们的Vision 2025勾勒出了主线,内含五大元素:
  • 未来蓝图:“生活在一个安全的世界”,这是基于人类对安全的本能需求,亦与我们不断致力于为人类打造安全的意愿相契合。
  • 宏伟愿景:“我们将成为全球精诚合作,协创安全世界的典范”,体现了我们的雄心壮志。
  • 伟大使命:“我们矢志打造安全”,展现了我们对社会的担当。
  • 企业准则:是企业经营的战略大纲。
  • 员工守则:是规范DEKRA德凯员工日常行为的指导思想。

As a leader in testing, certification and inspection industry, our vision is to ensure that products, assets and technologies are safe, secure and sustainable – our role is to give people confidence.

Stan Zurkiewicz, Chairman of the Management Board DEKRA e.V. and DEKRA SE

We ensure safety, security and sustainability in the three areas of life on the road, at work and at home

  • 技术和装备
  • 标准和规定
  • 观念与行为
  • 成功经营
  • 促进增长
  • 客户为本
  • 全球扩张
  • 矢志创新
  • 加强协作
  • 员工为本
  • 安全担当
  • 客户为本
  • 勇于进取
  • 团队精神
  • 诚信正直

Our employees are our soul and identity

The best goals and visions are meaningless without the people behind them who believe in them, live them and work to achieve them every day. All of us at DEKRA can only manage to achieve our ambitious and important goals together. To this end, we have imposed five People Values on ourselves as a guide for the day-to-day behavior of all DEKRA employees around the globe. Those five People Values are:
Responsibility for safety
Everyone at DEKRA lives up to our safety standards every day. We consider safety as a real benefit to us, our clients, our stakeholders, our families and friends. We act as role models to ensure safety – during our work and beyond.
Customer orientation
Everyone at DEKRA contributes to customer satisfaction. We continuously ask ourselves what makes our customers appreciate our work, and we live up to those expectations every day within the valid framework given at DEKRA.
Everyone at DEKRA has entrepreneurial knowledge. Creating opportunities, embracing personal responsibility and applying economic thinking are typical attitudes of our culture, deeply embedded in the DNA of DEKRA.
Team spirit
Everyone at DEKRA cooperates to create a positive and productive working atmosphere. Working as a team, supporting each other and sharing knowledge form the basis for our company‘s success and future growth. Collaboration, mutual respect and partnership characterize our actions.
Everyone at DEKRA can be expected to be sincere and honest. We follow the laws and act according to ethical principles. We honor our commitments and take personal responsibility for our actions. We act neutrally and independently when performing our services.

Our Corporate Principles

We have developed seven Corporate Principles.They are our strategic imperatives to help to translate our vision into action. These seven Corporate Principles are:
Economic success
To us, economic success means achieving profitable growth. This guarantees our independence and our ability to ensure safety. Besides, we focus on clear and long-term strategies that are implemented by means of efficient structures and processes. We consistently invest the results of our success in the future of our company.
Substantial growth guarantees realization of our mission to ensure safety in accordance with the statutes laid down by our founding fathers. Growth allows more and more people to benefit from our safety solutions on the road, at work and at home. Growth allows us to intensify our innovation and investment activities in order to strengthen our competitiveness. Our growth allows us to be a strong partner for customers of all sizes and to provide secure jobs for our employees. We focus on organic growth, which we selectively complement with strategic acquisitions and people partnerships.
Customer focus
We know our customers and put their needs at the center of our actions. We prove to be a customer focused organization – every single day – with all our services, in everything we do, everywhere in the world. Because customer satisfaction determines the success of our company.
We follow our mission globally. Our services ensure safety on all continents. Globalization supports our growth and allows us to expand our market position. Having a global orientation enables intensive cooperation with our international customers and strengthens our brand’s positioning as a thought leader in global safety. Our human resource policy supports and demands further internationalization of our people.
We want to anticipate future developments early on. We actively shape them and design solutions to fulfill our mission for the benefit of our customers and for continued development of our organization. In this sense, our company encourages creativity and continuous learning. It shows readiness to assume risks, to provide required funds and to ensure a culture of open information and communication throughout the company.
Collaboration makes us strong: We live a culture of cooperation across organizational boundaries – within DEKRA as well as with our partners. We consistently strive for synergies to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of our structures and processes. We foster knowledge and experience-sharing through our networks and technological tools. We bundle services so that our customers benefit from our comprehensive solutions. We foster internal team spirit, because we are a DEKRA family.
People focus
Our competent and committed people are the primary driving force behind our company. Our vision implies a strong focus on people. Social and technical expertise, creativity and innovation, motivation and commitment are indispensable in our people. This is why we give them scope to be proactive and practice entrepreneurship. Accordingly, emphasis is placed on participation in the company‘s success and assumption of individual responsibility. We ensure an attractive working environment, equal opportunities and focused people development.